ロックダウン開始以来898,822人が失職、うち550,000名はtemporary workersとあるので非常勤職。これほどの数の労働者が無職になってしまったのだ。この一点にかけてはボルソナロとっつぁんの主張は妥当ではある。まあ一点に限るが。
BBC Coronavirus: Spain sees record rise in unemployment amid lockdown 2 Apr 2020
「Spain has lost almost 900,000 jobs since it imposed strict measures to fight the coronavirus, another sign of the economic impact of the outbreak in Europe's second worst-hit country.」
「March's figure is the highest monthly rise in unemployment ever recorded in the country, which already had one of the eurozone's highest jobless rates.
Spain banned all but essential outings and shut most businesses in mid-March.
It has marked another grim milestone as the number of dead passed 10,000.」
「The data shows 898,822 people have now lost their jobs since the start of the lockdown, including about 550,000 temporary workers. Spain's official unemployment figure rose to 3.5 million, the highest level since April 2017.」
「Meanwhile, 10,003 people in Spain have died from Covid-19 - the disease caused by the coronavirus - as 950 new deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, another daily record, the health ministry said. The number of confirmed cases rose to 102,136.」
BBC Coronavirus: Spain sees record rise in unemployment amid lockdown 2 Apr 2020
「Spain has lost almost 900,000 jobs since it imposed strict measures to fight the coronavirus, another sign of the economic impact of the outbreak in Europe's second worst-hit country.」
「March's figure is the highest monthly rise in unemployment ever recorded in the country, which already had one of the eurozone's highest jobless rates.
Spain banned all but essential outings and shut most businesses in mid-March.
It has marked another grim milestone as the number of dead passed 10,000.」
「The data shows 898,822 people have now lost their jobs since the start of the lockdown, including about 550,000 temporary workers. Spain's official unemployment figure rose to 3.5 million, the highest level since April 2017.」
「Meanwhile, 10,003 people in Spain have died from Covid-19 - the disease caused by the coronavirus - as 950 new deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, another daily record, the health ministry said. The number of confirmed cases rose to 102,136.」