雇用、政労使で緊急協議 雇調整金制度やワークシェア 安全網整備へ足並み 連合と経団連 厚労省にきょう提案
The government,Nippon Keidanren,and Rengo(Japanese Trade Union Confederation) will enter into a discussion on employment issues with the three paries of the government,trade union and management included,against the background of rapid business recession.Today on March 3,Nippon Keidanren and Rengo are to jointly make a proposal to the Health, Labor and Welfare Minsiter Yoichi Masuzoe that they should have conference on the empolyment issues.The focal points would be the extension of employment adjustment subsidy scheme and the utilization of the funds for creating empolyment in the regional areas. Another point might be the so-called "work-shareing" amid the fear about getting a job spreading among people. This movement means that the government,trade union and management are in step with each other for the first time in about 7 years for establishing the security network for workers.
参考:「7年ぶり」の表現法としては、ほかに、after a 7-year interval というのもある。
The government,Nippon Keidanren,and Rengo(Japanese Trade Union Confederation) will enter into a discussion on employment issues with the three paries of the government,trade union and management included,against the background of rapid business recession.Today on March 3,Nippon Keidanren and Rengo are to jointly make a proposal to the Health, Labor and Welfare Minsiter Yoichi Masuzoe that they should have conference on the empolyment issues.The focal points would be the extension of employment adjustment subsidy scheme and the utilization of the funds for creating empolyment in the regional areas. Another point might be the so-called "work-shareing" amid the fear about getting a job spreading among people. This movement means that the government,trade union and management are in step with each other for the first time in about 7 years for establishing the security network for workers.
参考:「7年ぶり」の表現法としては、ほかに、after a 7-year interval というのもある。