from today's Nikkei

2009年03月05日 10時20分40秒 | 新聞記事から
三菱商事 太陽光発電に参入 欧州企業に34%出資 世界最大事業を運営 異業種の資金・技術 市場拡大を後押し

According to sources familiar with the matter,Mitsubishi Corporation will participate in the solar power generation business.Specifically,it will invest its fund to have a 34-percent equity stake in a Spanish new energy company,and jointly operate the world's largest solar power plant with the company.At present in the world,for the purpose of preserving the environment and implementing economic measures, the business for solar power generation has been spreading. Especially in Europe,an increasing number of coutries have adopted the scheme for subsidy where electricity generated by using solar energy could be purchased for a relatively high price by a electricity power company.Sharp Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation have already entered into the solar power generation business in Europe.This is a good showcase that the funds or technologies from the outsiders of the business can afford to expand a new market and create a favorable environment for the business.

参考:Europe は定冠詞をつけて使うか、つけなくて使うかは、時々迷うのですが、googleで調べると、圧倒的に、なしで使う例が多い。
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