from tgoday's Nikkei

2009年03月24日 10時55分32秒 | 新聞記事から
米、最大1兆ドル規模 政府拠出1000億ドル 民間出資促す 不良資産買い取り発表 入札で価格決定

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner announced on Mrach 23 a scheme in which the government and investors in the private sector can jointly purchase bad loans of financial institutions.Specifically, they will establish a fund for it.Responding to the amount of the mony to the fund from the private sector's investors,the government will inject into the fund up to 100 billion dollars ( about 9.7 trillion yen) of public fund.

最大はup to を使えば表現できる。
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