from today's Nikkei

2009年03月09日 09時40分03秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国に「専用機種」 富士フィルム、価格抑え市場開拓 デジカメ1万円 ホンダやパナソニックも

A number of domestic major companies have launched developing special brands marketed only in emerging economies,whose prices will be set significantly low, in order to tap the markets in emerging countries.Specifically,FUJIFILM Corporation will focus on some of its product multiple functions and create a new digital camera priced under $100,which the company will put on sale within 2009 in the markets of Asia and South America.Honda and Panasonic also are hasting to develop their each private brand for emerging economies only.
These movements show their business strategies' change. Traditionally, they have been eyeing the global markets through developing their brands mainly sold in the markets in Japan,the U.S. and European coutries.But,they are changing their thoughts: It is more desirable to
get the hearts of the middle-class consumers in emerging economies, whose population's increase will not stop.

参考:「専用機種」はいろいろな言い方が可能だと思います。前置修飾だと、private,special, specific などの言葉を用いるのでしょうか。だが、後置修飾のほうが表現しやすいのではないか。brand which is sold(marketed) in only とかです。
Honda and Panasonic also are hasting to develop their each private brand という英語を使ってみたのですが、ここで注目してもらいたいのは、each の使い方です。each が入っているのでヘッドナウンのbrandは単数にしています。厳密に言えば、各社ともに複数の製品をdevelop しているかも知れないので、複数でもいいのかも知れない。ここは私の個人的なこだわりです。each を昔研究した名残です。each の前にわざとtheir を入れて、私の頭の体操をやっているのです。
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