from today's Nikkei

2009年03月08日 14時28分56秒 | 新聞記事から
雇用調整金4000億円上積み 政府・与党検討 追加経済対策の柱に 休業手当厚く 解雇に歯止め

The government and ruling parties entered Saturday into a discussion to add more than 400 billion yen budget to the present employment adjustment subsidy scheme,where the government helps companies pay the so-called rest-day allowances for their employees by shouldering some of the companies' payment.This is expected to be included into the additional economic measures package which is said to be compliled after the enactment of the fiscal 2009 state budget bill. And it would be one of the pillars of the package stimulating the ailing economy.This is because they have judged that there is a need for more employment measures in order to prevent fragile-status workers from being fired due to the economy's worsening.Then they have acknowledged there is a need to pay more attention to the rest-day allowance scheme.
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