from today's Nikkei

2009年03月11日 11時53分48秒 | 新聞記事から
企業の危機対応へ基金 政府、郵貯資金まど活用検討 政策銀融資の原資に 株買い上げ案も浮上

The government started Tuesday deliberating on establishing the new fund for helping companies dealing with their business risks in managing their business funds. Under the scheme, Japan Post Bank Company,Limited and private major financial institutions of the so-called "Major Banks" are expected to participate in it and supply necessary funds for the newly-established fund.And then, the fund will support Development Bank of Japan Inc. by extending long-term and low-interest loans to it.At present, the source of funds for Development Bank of Japan Inc.(DBJ) helping private companies as a state's activity only comes virtually from the public fund. In that sense,the sources of funds for DBJ might be diversified by the initiative by the government this time.Another idea is that the newly-established fund will buy necessary stocks from the stock market.

参考:ゆうちょ銀行 Japan Post Bank Company,Limited   日本政策投資銀行 Development Bank of Japan Inc. 経済に関する記事は意外とわかりにくいものです。日本語で書かれた記事自体がわかりにくいこともあります。今回の記事もわかりやすいとはいえません。従来言われていたデリバティブ商品なども解説記事を読んでもわかりにくいものでした。内容がはっきりしないものは簡潔にかつわかりやすい英語にすることは、困難です。自己採点すれば75点くらいか。
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