カーシェア 普及加速 所有から利用 自動車に転機 パーク24 マツダレンタカーを買収 8600の駐車場活用
So-called " car sharing business" will be accelerated in Japan.Recently, an increasing number of major firms have announced they will begin the service ,in which multiple members jointly use vehicles.Specifically, one of the biggest car-parking business firms Park24 Co. is expected to take over one of the major rent-a-car businesses at home Mazda Car Rental Corporation,based on Hiroshima city, within the month. After the deal,Park24 will participate in the business making use of many parking lots located across the country totaling as many as 8,600. As another movement, Orix Corporation and Mitsui&Co. and others are going to significantly expand their rent-a -car business.In these circumstances, it is estimated that in 5 years from now on the number of vehicles used in the car sharing service will amount to the 10,000 unit level. With this service taking root in a new transportation system in the urban areas,the prime concept for vehicles could be changed from "possession" to "utilization."
参考:「1万台」というときは、the +1万+単位(単数)+level で表現できる。levelの代わりにrange,markも使えるかも知れない。単位はこの場合unitと単数にしているが、複数であることに意味があれば複数もあるかもしれない。が、基本は単数と覚えていて間違いない。
So-called " car sharing business" will be accelerated in Japan.Recently, an increasing number of major firms have announced they will begin the service ,in which multiple members jointly use vehicles.Specifically, one of the biggest car-parking business firms Park24 Co. is expected to take over one of the major rent-a-car businesses at home Mazda Car Rental Corporation,based on Hiroshima city, within the month. After the deal,Park24 will participate in the business making use of many parking lots located across the country totaling as many as 8,600. As another movement, Orix Corporation and Mitsui&Co. and others are going to significantly expand their rent-a -car business.In these circumstances, it is estimated that in 5 years from now on the number of vehicles used in the car sharing service will amount to the 10,000 unit level. With this service taking root in a new transportation system in the urban areas,the prime concept for vehicles could be changed from "possession" to "utilization."
参考:「1万台」というときは、the +1万+単位(単数)+level で表現できる。levelの代わりにrange,markも使えるかも知れない。単位はこの場合unitと単数にしているが、複数であることに意味があれば複数もあるかもしれない。が、基本は単数と覚えていて間違いない。