from today's Nikkei

2009年03月25日 10時05分16秒 | 新聞記事から
中国、40万店の小売り網 年内に整備 農村の消費促進 出店に補助金 雇用創出も狙う

According to the sources familiar with the matter, the Chinese government likely will establish a retail network in the agricultural regions consisting of 400,000 shops in total in order to expand its domestic demand within the year.With a combined 12 billion yuans injected into the program, the government will provide necessary supports including the offering of subsidy to the efforts of opening a new retail shop.This initiative of the Chinese government is apparently aimed at boosting the demand from farmers, whose population is more than the half of the total,amid the situation that export demand has sharply been declining due to the ongoing global financial crisis.Another aim of the initiative is to create the employment of migrant worker-turned farmers who have lost their jobs triggered by the recent recession.
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