緊急雇用対策 日本型ワークシェアリング促進 政労使合意へ 雇調金を拡充
The three parties of the government,management and labor union,that is to say more precisely, of the government,Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) and Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rebgo), likely will reach an agreement on an urgency employment measure on the 23rd of the month.And the outline of the draft has been made clear.According to the draft, one of the pillars of the measure is that the government will expand the range of subsidy for the employment adjustment scheme in order to help the management and the labor union promote so-called "Japanese-style work sharing" in the domestic work places.Another pillar is to provide the living supports for those unemployed for a long term. This is the first case in 7 years that the agreement among the parties of the government,management and labor union has been reached with regard to employment issues.
The three parties of the government,management and labor union,that is to say more precisely, of the government,Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) and Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rebgo), likely will reach an agreement on an urgency employment measure on the 23rd of the month.And the outline of the draft has been made clear.According to the draft, one of the pillars of the measure is that the government will expand the range of subsidy for the employment adjustment scheme in order to help the management and the labor union promote so-called "Japanese-style work sharing" in the domestic work places.Another pillar is to provide the living supports for those unemployed for a long term. This is the first case in 7 years that the agreement among the parties of the government,management and labor union has been reached with regard to employment issues.