"Read all about it!" yelled the newsboy, hawking his papers on the corner. "Fifty people swindled! Fifty people swindled!"
Curious, a businessman bought a paper.
"Hey," he said, "there's nothing in here about 50 people being swindled."
"Read all about it!" yelled the newsboy again, "Fifty-one people swindled."
賢い新聞売りの少年ですね。 "hawking" のこのような使い方は初めて見ますが状況からして歩きながら売っている意味であることの察しはつきます。 "hawk" にその様な意味があるか辞書で確認します。
OneLook Quick Definitions: sell or offer for sale from place to place
Dictionary.com: to peddle or offer for sale by calling aloud in public.
"Read all about it!" yelled the newsboy, hawking his papers on the corner. "Fifty people swindled! Fifty people swindled!"
Curious, a businessman bought a paper.
"Hey," he said, "there's nothing in here about 50 people being swindled."
"Read all about it!" yelled the newsboy again, "Fifty-one people swindled."
賢い新聞売りの少年ですね。 "hawking" のこのような使い方は初めて見ますが状況からして歩きながら売っている意味であることの察しはつきます。 "hawk" にその様な意味があるか辞書で確認します。
OneLook Quick Definitions: sell or offer for sale from place to place
Dictionary.com: to peddle or offer for sale by calling aloud in public.