言葉を覚えている最中の子供のおしゃべりは時々面白い事を言うので朝日新聞などにも子供の愉快な言葉を投書したコーナーが毎週ありますがリーダーズダイジェストにも "Kids: As Kids See it" と言う同じようなコーナーがあり次ぎの文はその4月号に掲載されていたものです。
My colleague was teaching her primary school class the bible story of Lot. "The angel told Lot to take his family and flee to the mountains and not look back," she said. "Lot and his daughters escape, but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt."
Most of the class seemed to absorb the important moral lesson, but one child looked worried. "What happened to the flea?" he asked.
この子よりも私の場合は "free" も"flee"/"flea" の "homonym" になってしまうので困ったものです。
My colleague was teaching her primary school class the bible story of Lot. "The angel told Lot to take his family and flee to the mountains and not look back," she said. "Lot and his daughters escape, but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt."
Most of the class seemed to absorb the important moral lesson, but one child looked worried. "What happened to the flea?" he asked.
この子よりも私の場合は "free" も"flee"/"flea" の "homonym" になってしまうので困ったものです。