English Collection



2009年08月11日 | 英語学習
Chuck先生(元南山大学コミュニティカレッジ講師)が推薦するBBCサイトのListen to Professor Crystalを少しづつ聞き始めました。 WISWIGの話題に興味を引く表現がありました。
An actor there called Flip Wilson appeared as a cross-dressing character called Geraldine and as he came on, he would say, 'what you see is what you get!'
さて、"cross-dressing" とは何でしょう?
COED: the wearing of clothing typical of the opposite sex.
Dictionary.com: to dress in clothing typically worn by members of the opposite sex.
芸能界には "cross-dressing" の人が多くいますがWISWIGとは思えませんが?
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