ビールが美味しい季節ですね。 そこで今日はビールにちなんだジョークです。(The Japan Times Online, Aug.9に掲載のROGER PULVERS氏による日本人のユーモアに関する記事中にあったジョークです。 )
I am fond of the joke about a Japanese country fellow who went alone to New York, fancying himself up to the task of surviving in the Big Apple. He sat down at a crowded bar and ordered a biiru (beer) ? a request the bartender didn't understand. Finally, after several repetitions, the bartender got the message ? and the Japanese hick was proud of the fact that his English had made the grade.
"Heineken?" asked the bartender.
"No," answered the hick, "Chiba-ken."
I am fond of the joke about a Japanese country fellow who went alone to New York, fancying himself up to the task of surviving in the Big Apple. He sat down at a crowded bar and ordered a biiru (beer) ? a request the bartender didn't understand. Finally, after several repetitions, the bartender got the message ? and the Japanese hick was proud of the fact that his English had made the grade.
"Heineken?" asked the bartender.
"No," answered the hick, "Chiba-ken."