English Collection



2012年01月10日 | 英語学習
さて今日の英語はNever Let Me Goの主人公達がRuthの "possible" を見に行く旅行での出来事からです。
I'd already turned into the aisle - one with fluffy animals and big boxed jigsaws - before I realised Ruth and Chrissie were standing together at the end of it, having some sort of tete-a-tete
"tete-a-tete" は "tit-for-tat" と語呂が似ていますが、そんな深刻な問題ではないはずです。 単なる二人の会話か、ひそひそ話のようですが、どうでしょうか?
・Vocabulary.com: a private conversation between two people: Why should you spend long hours and whole days tete-a-tete with a stranger?
・Dictionary.com: 1. a private conversation or interview, usually between two people. 2. Also called vis-a-vis. a sofa shaped like an S so two people are able to converse face to face.
・Urban Dictionary: To have a private conversation.: To have a heart-to-heart; Literally means `head to head'; To get together and have a tete-a-tete. Or to sit on the couch with a coffee for a quick tete-a-tete. She leaned forward and confided tete-a-tete that she'd been seeing someone new.
"vis-a-vis" は良く見掛けますね
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