English Collection


in passing

2012年01月17日 | 英語学習
リーダーズダイジェストの12月号を読んでいたので中断したKazuo Ishiguroの小説 "Never Let Me Go" の残りの二章を読みます。
I'd first started hearing rumours about Hailsham closing a year or so before that meeting with Laura in the car park. I'd be talking to a donor or a carer and they'd bring it up in passing, like they expected me to know all about it.
上の文の後半に出てきた "in passing" は初めて見る表現なので辞書で調べます。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: If something is said in passing, it is said while talking about something else and is not the main subject of a conversation: When asked if he had told the police about the incident, Mr Banks said he had mentioned it in passing to a detective.
・Vocabulary.com: incidentally; in the course of doing something else: “he made this remark in passing
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: casually; said or mentioned as an aside. I just heard your name in passing. I didn't hear more than that. The lecturer referred to George Washington in passing.
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