English Collection


Can him and buy something

2012年01月25日 | 英語学習

私が読む英語の原書は地元の図書館にある事と余り厚くない本(だいたい300ページまで)が原則です。この選考基準はちょっと偏っていて、本の内容を問わないので邪道だと自分でも思っていますが、読むスピードがまだまだ遅いのであと数年はこんな状況は変わらないでしょう。 そんな訳で今読み始めたNEWS IS A VERB by Pete Hamill、副題Journalism at the End of the Twentieth Centuryも100ページしかありません。
さて、私は助動詞以外の "can" は缶詰(名詞と動詞)しか知りませんが、NEWS IS A VERBの中に次ぎのような動詞の "can" が出て来ました。
The newspaper has three sports columnists. Get rid of one of them and make life miserable for another; maybe he'll resign. That features department: Get rid of most of them and buy canned features. Use the photograph from the movie company instead of sending your own photographer. Do one-shot interviews and don't bother with additional interviews that might give some roundness to the subject. You have your own editorial cartoonist, providing a local take of the events of the world. Can him and buy something from a syndicate.
文脈から推測するとその前にある表現 "get rid of" と同じ様な意味ではないかと思われますが、 "can" にその様な意味があるか辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: American informal to make someone leave their job, for example because their work is not good enough. The usual word for this is to fire someone.: He got canned for showing up late once too often.
・Wiktionary: (US, euphemistic) To fire or dismiss an employee.: The boss canned him for speaking out.
・Oxford English Dictionary: North American informal dismiss from a job: he was canned because of a tiff over promotion
助動詞の事は昔 "auxiliary verb" と覚えていましたが、英英辞書ではほとんど "modal verb" となっているのも新しい発見です。

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