English Collection


on an even keel

2012年01月18日 | 英語学習
今日の単語もNever Let Me Goからです。
It wasn't until a few days later I came to see what a difference that trip had made. All the guardedness, all the suspicions between me and Ruth evaporated, and we seemed to remember everything we'd once meant to each other. And that was the start of it, that era, with the summer coming on, and Ruth's health at least on an even keel, when I'd come in the evenings with biscuits and mineral water, and we'd sit side by side at her window, watching the sun go down over the roofs, talking about Hailsham, the Cottages, anything that drifted into our minds.
"keel" に(船の)竜骨の意味がある事を覚えたのは、大昔ドイツからスウェーデンのストックホルムへ鉄道旅行をした頃で、意味もスペルも関係はないのですが、何故かドイツの港町Kielとの連想で覚えました。 しかし、その後実際の英文で "keel" を見た事はなかったと思います。上の引用文の "keel" の意味は何でしょう? 辞書で調べると "on an even keel" と言う慣用句で次ぎの様な意味がある事が分かりました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: operating or happening without problems: My first job is to get things back on an even keel.
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: regular and well-balanced and not likely to change suddenly: The new manager succeeded in putting the business back on an even keel.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: calm and not likely to change suddenly My main priority is to keep my life on an even keel for the sake of my two boys.
なるほど、"I hope that I can keep my life on an even keel at least for some more years." です。
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