The rugged enclosure with integrated castors and retractable handle lends itself to easy transportation to and from site.
"lends itself to" は慣用句の様です。意味を辞書で調べます。
・Dictionary.com: Adapt to, be suitable for. For example, The Bible lends itself to numerous interpretations , or This plot of land lends itself to a variety of uses.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to be good for a particular use It was surprising how well her book lent itself to being turned into a film.
・Collins English Dictionary: If something lends itself to something else, it is suitable for that thing or can be considered in that way: The novel's complex, imaginative style does not lend itself to translation.
辞書によっては "lends itself to" ではなく、次ぎの辞書のように "lends oneself to" の慣用句として取り上げています。
・WordNetR 3.0: be applicable to; as to an analysis; "This theory lends itself well to our new data"
しかし、意味からして "lends itself to" で使う場合が多いのでしょう。
The rugged enclosure with integrated castors and retractable handle lends itself to easy transportation to and from site.
"lends itself to" は慣用句の様です。意味を辞書で調べます。
・Dictionary.com: Adapt to, be suitable for. For example, The Bible lends itself to numerous interpretations , or This plot of land lends itself to a variety of uses.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to be good for a particular use It was surprising how well her book lent itself to being turned into a film.
・Collins English Dictionary: If something lends itself to something else, it is suitable for that thing or can be considered in that way: The novel's complex, imaginative style does not lend itself to translation.
辞書によっては "lends itself to" ではなく、次ぎの辞書のように "lends oneself to" の慣用句として取り上げています。
・WordNetR 3.0: be applicable to; as to an analysis; "This theory lends itself well to our new data"
しかし、意味からして "lends itself to" で使う場合が多いのでしょう。