English Collection



2012年08月17日 | 英語学習

English Journal 7月号の記事、ニューヨークのTV局、NY1で報道されたSpecial Treatment for Some at American Airportsについての番組スクリプトに興味のある表現がありました。
Lewis Dodley (anchor): Frequent flyers at JFK Airport who wanna keep their shoes on and their laptops in their bag, can instead provide the government with a lot of personal information. NY1's Vivian Lee tells us about a new program aimed at speeding up security screenings at the airport.
Vivian Lee (reporter): Imagin skipping this: partially undressing just to get to your flight.
Flyer: It's really inconvenient. And I think that it's make-work.
Lee: Rachel Millner didn't have to remove her boots or belt or pull out her baggie of bottled liquids. Her American Airlines check-in agent told her she qualified for the Transportation Security Administration's newly expanded PreCheck program.
上の引用文にある "make-work" で引っ掛かりましたが、雑誌の脚注に、「不要な作業、人に何かをさせておくためだけの無用な仕事」とありました。ここで辞書を引くのは "make-work" の様な気がしますが、中々新しい単語の意味を覚えられない私としては、辞書で確認する事は多分無駄な仕事ではないと思います。
・Wiktionary: An activity or task assigned or undertaken for the sake of activity or busy-ness, rather than because of a particular need.: The assignment was simply make-work to keep them busy on a rainy day.
・Vocabulary.com: active work of little value: Two weeks before inauguration his op-ed in the Washington Post made it clear no make-work jobs on infrastructure.
・Macmillan Dictionary: work that is given to someone so that they have something to do
どこかの国のお役所仕事にもありそうな "make-work" ですね。

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