Zoobiquityの次の個所に出てきた "train" の意味はブログを始めた頃に採り上げ覚えているですが、ブログの度々の引っ越しでその記録は消えてしまった様です。
Imagine that wave of intense nausea you had when you lost your passport in Beijing or discovered a partner was cheating on you. Reflect on that "I think I'm going to vomit" feeling that washed over you following a career-jeopardizing mistake of a near miss between your carful of kids and a sixteen-wheeler. It's also the woozy feeling you may get before stepping in front of an audience, as you anticepate hundreds or thousands of eyes being trained on you.
・Oxford English Dictionary: (train something on) Point or aim something, typically a gun or camera, at: the detective trained his gun on the side door
・Cambridge English Dictionary: formal to aim or point a gun, camera, light, etc. at someone or something: With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous.
"train" にはこんな使い方もあるのを思い出しました。to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it ("Train the vine")