Theodore Boone kid lawyerも終わりに近くなってきました。
Another photo, an aerial. Theo beamed the laser light at a building. “This is the maintenance shed, not too far through the woods from the sixth fairway. The lunch break began at eleven thirty. Eleven thirty on the dot because the supervisor ran a tight ship and expected his workers to check in at eleven thirty, eat quickly, and be back on the job at noon.
"ran a tight ship" は慣用句の様ですが、意味は文脈から推測が付きます。しっかりと管理、監督をするの意味でしょう。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Be very strict in managing an organization or operation.: And to the sheriff's credit, he runs a tight ship here.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to control a business or other organization firmly and effectively: Ruth runs a tight ship and has no time for shirkers.
Another photo, an aerial. Theo beamed the laser light at a building. “This is the maintenance shed, not too far through the woods from the sixth fairway. The lunch break began at eleven thirty. Eleven thirty on the dot because the supervisor ran a tight ship and expected his workers to check in at eleven thirty, eat quickly, and be back on the job at noon.
"ran a tight ship" は慣用句の様ですが、意味は文脈から推測が付きます。しっかりと管理、監督をするの意味でしょう。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Be very strict in managing an organization or operation.: And to the sheriff's credit, he runs a tight ship here.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to control a business or other organization firmly and effectively: Ruth runs a tight ship and has no time for shirkers.