English Collection



2016年04月26日 | 英語の本を読む
the life-changing magic of tidying upを読んでいます。 "Even if I tidy, the rest of my family just messes things up again."
"My husband's a packrat How can I get him to throw things away?"
ここでは "packrat" はガラクタを集める人を指している様ですが、どうでしょう? 辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: One who tends to acquire various objects; one who collects, accumulates or has trouble throwing things away.
・Dictionary.com: to save in the manner of a pack rat: I’m looking through the stuff my grandpa pack-ratted away in the attic.
"pack rat" と言う動物がいるのですね。"pack rat" を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A ratlike rodent that accumulates a mound of sticks and debris in the nest hole, native to North and Central America. Also called wood rat.
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