私がブログを書く第一目的は英文を読んでいて出てきた覚えたい単語や表現を記憶に留めるためですが、それでも中々覚えられなかったり、せっかく覚えた単語・表現にその後出会わない事もよくあります。 2月に読んだTheodore Boone the Accusedに8/14/2011に取り上げた "long shot" が次の様に出て来ました。
"Look, Ike, I'll just go to my mom and tell her what I think. I'll lay out our theory, and ask for her help. She is my mother, you know?"
"That's a great idea, Theo, and it makes good sense. But don't do it right now. Let's see if we can crack this case without getting her involved. I don't want to ask Marcella Boone to give me sensitive information about a client."
"Is this a long shot, Ike?"