English Collection



2016年04月06日 | 英語の本を読む
殺人の容疑者が逃げるところを目撃した若者は不法滞在者なので国外退去になることを恐れ、法廷で証言することを拒んでいます。kid lawyerのTheoは思案にくれています。
He had an idea. After the trial, after Mr. Duffy was acquitted and drove away from the courthouse, Theo would wait a few weeks or months, then he would send the gloves to Mr. Duffy. Ship them in an anonymous package, maybe with a note that would read something like: “We know you killed her. And we’re watching.”
Why would he do that? He didn’t know. Another foolish idea.
The thoughts became more random.
"random" は慣用句の "at random" やコンピュータ用語の "random access" で昔から馴染みのある単語ですが、ここに出てきた "random" はちょっとニュアンスが違いますね。 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal Odd, unusual, or unexpected: the class was hard but he was so random that it was always fun
・Cambridge English Dictionary: informal strange or unusual: I just saw Billy wearing a top hat - he's so random!
・Vocabulary.com: Sometime in the 1980s, teenage slang hijacked the adjective random and tried to turn it into a word meaning weird, odd or out of place. As in "Dude! That guy wearing purple spandex at the party was so random!" But don't fall for it. Something that’s truly random is totally governed by chance and has no specific pattern, like choosing a card at random from a magician’s deck.
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