"Mutineers might dance at the end of a rope," Aken said, "if just cause be found."
"dance at the end of a rope" は慣用句の様な表現ですが、この表現を載せている辞書は見つかりません。
Dictionary.comに "at the end of one's rope" という慣用句の説明が次ぎのようにありました。
at the end of one's rope: at the end of one's endurance or means; at the limit: With all her savings gone and bills piling up, she was at the end of her rope.
しかし、これは "dance at the end of a rope" とは関係がなさそうです。 しかたがなく Googleで検索すると、"dance at the end of a rope" を使った文は次ぎの様に幾つもでてきました。
Pirates are war criminals and deserve to dance at the end of a rope.
In the olden days, a pirate would end up doing a dance at the end of a rope.
I look forward to a seat in the electric chair or dance at the end of a rope.
これらの文からすると、 "dance at the end of a rope" 、死刑の処刑を受けるの意味で、恐らく絞首刑からきた表現と推測します。