English Collection


communism and capitalism

2012年10月21日 | 英語学習
Q: What's the difference between communism and capitalism?
A: In China, you have to queue up at a government store, wait for hours, and you get a piece of unhealthy food that will kill you. In America, you can get the same thing in a few minutes on any street.
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on the fritz

2012年10月20日 | 英語学習
今日の表現もReader's Digest 9月号の記事、Normal or NUTS? からです。
"Lately, after I read an unusual name, place, or phrase - Reice Priebus, Burkina Faso, schadenfreude - I often can't get it out of my head for days, sometimes weeks. I silently repeat the words to myself, often spell them, and even wake up in the night with the words ringing in my head. Is my brain on the fritz?
最後に出てきた "on the fritz" はここでは "nuts" と同じ意味だと思うが辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: (of electrical or mechanical appliances) Out of order; malfunctioning; broken.: I'd record it, but my VCR is on the fritz again.
・Dictionary.com: not in working order: Our TV went on the fritz last night.
さて、詳しい説明は省略しますが、気になる言葉が何度も頭に浮かんでくる方に対するVERDICTはCompulsive but normalだそうです。そういう人は新しい単語や表現を必ず覚えられると思うので私には羨ましい。
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2012年10月19日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事、Are You... Normal or NUTS? の中の一つの例で、食事中の他人のナイフ、フォーク、スプーンの音がひどく気になる人は Possibly nutsで、
It's tempting to suggest there is something wrong with everyone else you know. How come they don't chew with their mouths closed? At the very least, you are overly sensitive to minor irritations, explains US psychologist Dr. Pauline Wallin about a sensitivity she understands too well: "When I hear Diane Sawyer's voice on TV," she confesses, "I have to run and turn it off, it's so annoying."
Georgiou says you may also be suffering from an obscure malady called misophonia - a condition characterised by an intense loathing of a range of sound, such as those made by trains, certain musical instruments and people (their breathing, for instance).
"misophonia" の "miso" は大分前に覚えた"misogynymisoneism" の "miso" と同じですね。
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2012年10月18日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 9月号のLaughter:)にあったジョークです。
Phat joke
Q: How much does a hipster weigh?
A: An instagram.
スマートフォンを使わないのでオチの "instagram" に笑えませんが、洒落にはなっていますね。
それより私の興味は "phat" の意味です。
・Collins Dictionary: terrific; superb; C20: from Black slang, a corruption of fat
・Cambridge English Dictionary: very good: The band has a really phat sound.
先に引用した辞書に "fat" からできたスラングとありますが、Online Etymology に詳しい由来の説明があります。
hip-hop slang, "great, excellent," 1992, originating perhaps in the late 1980s and meaning at first "sexiness in a woman." The word itself is presumably a variant of fat (q.v.) in one of its slang senses, with the kind of off-beat spelling preferred in street slang (cf. boyz). The spelling is attested as far back as 1678, as an erroneous form of fat (a classical over-correction; see ph). This spelling is said by some to be an acronym, but various versions are given: "pretty hot and tasty," or "pretty hips and thighs" among them. These, too may have been innovations given as explanations to women who felt insulted by the word.
"phat" は "pretty hot and tempting" としている説もありました。
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No room to swing a cat

2012年10月17日 | 英語学習
ジョン万次郎の伝記、Heart of a Samuraiの中に出てきた "lashing with the cat" を先日取り上げた後に、昨日のブログで猫の額の区民農園に触れた時に「猫の額」にそっくりな英語の表現を思い出しました。
"No room to swing a cat" と言うこの表現を知ったのは多分半年位に読んだWORLD WIDE WORDS E-MAGAZINE
の記事ですが、その時の記事はメモしていないので、"No room to swing a cat" の意味と例文を改めてネット検索しました。
Phrase Finder: An awkwardly small, confined space
Origin: Whether the 'cat' was a real moggy or the flail-like whip used to punish sailors in the British Navy isn't clear. Many reports claim that the cat in question is the 'cat o'nine tails'. As so often though, they don't supply evidence, just certainty. As a candidate for folk etymology goes the 'cat o' nine tails' story has it all - plausibility, a strong storyline and a nautical origin. That's enough to convince many people - the actual evidence shows the theory to be highly dubious. The phrase itself dates from at least the 17th century. Richard Kephale's Medela Pestilentiae, 1665:
"They had not space enough (according to the vulgar saying) to swing a Cat in."
The nature of that citation makes it clear that the phrase was already in use prior to it being committed to paper. The 'cat o' nine tails' isn't recorded until 1695 though, in William Congreve's Love for Love:
"If you should give such language at sea, you'd have a cat-o'-nine-tails laid cross your shoulders."
If those dates are in fact the earliest uses then the 'cat o' nine tails' theory is wrong. The task for anyone who wants to claim that theory correct is to pre-date those citations.
"No room to swing a cat" の "cat" が "lash with the cat" の "cat" と同じ、つまり、"cat-o'-nine-tails" だという説はもっともらしいのですが、Phrase Finderは誤りとしています。
引用すると長くなるので全文は引用しませんが The Word Detective(http://www.word-detective.com/back-h2.html#swingacat)は 'cat o' nine tails' 説の他に、猫の尻尾を掴んで振り回す場所がないという、猫嫌いだった(猫に飼っていた小鳥を何度が殺されたので)私ならしかねない、文字通りの意味だという説もあります。
The other, less cat-friendly theory is that the phrase refers to literally swinging a cat around by its tail. This version seems to have quite a bit more evidence in its favor, the phrase having come into use in the mid-17th century and being used with clear reference to actual cats ever since, including in Charles Dickens' "David Copperfield."
(The Word DetectiveのHere Kitty, Kittyよりの抜粋)
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2012年10月16日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 Jus must be jokingはチンプンカンブンの名前の料理が増えてきたと言う内容で、 "jus" は "sauce" の意味だそうです。きっとフランス語由来なのでしょう。
We've come a long way since the days when vegies meant overcooked carrot and a lump of stodgy potato.
It's a great treat to have the breadth of food choices we enjoy nowadays.
フランス料理なんてしゃれたものはもう余り興味はありませんが、 "stodgy potato" が気になるので辞書で "stodgy" を調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: having a rich filling quality : heavy: stodgy bread
・Cambridge English Dictionary: describes food which is heavy and unhealthy, sometimes in an unpleasant way: I've been eating too many stodgy puddings.
・Vocabulary.com: heavy and starchy and hard to digest: “a stodgy pudding served up when everyone was already full”
Stodgy is an adjective to describe anything dull, out-of-style, or even hard to digest. Just your luck getting stuck sitting next to stodgy Aunt Irma at Thanksgiving! From the looks of her stodgy moth-smelling clothes to her stodgy or dull conversation, chances are it will be a long meal. Just hope the mashed potatoes are light and fluffy.
ジャガイモは沢山食べれば "stodgy food" かも知れませんが、栄養もあり、私はさつもいもより好きです。区民農園で借りている猫の額の我が家の区画にも秋じゃがを植えたところです。
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bucket list

2012年10月15日 | 英語学習

さて、Reader's Digest 9月号のHealthSmart+ FITNESSコーナーの記事はマラソン、トライアスロン、ロングバイクレースは健康に良くないと言う内容でした。
Studies show that immediately following a marathon, runners have higher blood levels of the protein tropoin, which may signal subtle damage to the heart, "if you want to run a marathon, train up for it, cross it off your bucket list, but it's not a healthy long-term exercise pattern."
"wish list" はよく耳にしますが "bucket list" は何でしょう?
・Urban Dictionary: A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket".: I need to remember to add skydiving to my bucket list.
・Word Spy: A list of activities and achievements that a person hopes to accomplish in his or her lifetime.
Notes: This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket, meaning "to die," which has been in the language since at least 1785. Here's the earliest citation I could find that doesn't refer to the movie The Bucket List, which popularized this phrase: Oh yes, my list of things I intend to do before I 'kick the bucket'.
西部劇の時代に生まれたような慣用句 "kick the bucket" は知っていましたが、そこから "bucket list" が生まれるとは。フルマラソンは第1回の東京マラソンを走った後は一度も走っていませんが、70歳までにもう一回位走って見たいと思っていましたが、辞めときます。

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Fancy Apple

2012年10月14日 | 英語学習
"Stop and see the roses"と言う表現の由来は余り定かではないようで、リンゴ・スターが1981年に同名のアルバムを作ったのが最初と言う説もありますが、実際はそれよりもっと前から使われていると言うのが本当でしょう。
This guy was driving along a country road. Along the side of the road he sees a sign: "Apples, $5.00 each." So he pulls over to the side of the road and asks the farmer why his apples are so expensive. The farmer says, "Well, these are peanut butter and jelly apples." So the guy buys one. He says, "These apples only taste like jelly, where's the peanut butter?" The farmer says, "Turn the apple over and take a bit of the other side." Sure enough the other side tasted like peanut butter.
So he continues on his way and along the side of the road he sees another sign: "Apples, $20.00 each." So he gets out and asks the farmer why these apples are so expensive. "These are ham and cheese apples," the farmer says. So the guy buys one. The apple only tasted like ham, so he asked the farmer why and he said, "Turn the apple over and you will taste the cheese."
Then he is driving down the road again and he sees another sign: "Apples, $50.00 each." So he asks the farmer, "What's up with these apples being so expensive?" The farmer tells him they are pussy apples. So the guy buys one. He takes a bite into the apple and says "This apple tastes like shit!" And the farmer says, "Turn it over."
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frighten Americans out of their wits

2012年10月13日 | 英語学習

Manjiro drew a picture of the battlements he had seen in Boston Harber. "Even the small port of the town where I lived is fortified with guns," he said. "The shells are about ten inches in diameter. The guns measure some twelve feet. Ships are supplied with cannons, and the sailors armed with rifles. There is hardly any weapon that can frighten Americans out of their wits."
"frighten Americans out of their wits" の個所は慣用句の様です。単に「米国人を脅かす」と解釈しても間違いではないと思いますが辞書で調べてみます。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: also scare somebody out of their wits: to cause extreme fear in someone Don't sneak up behind me like that - you frightened me out of my wits!
・Macmillan Dictionary: frighten/scare the wits out of someone or frighten/scare someone out of their wits: to make someone feel extremely frightened: The movie scared the wits out of us.
・Wiktionary: To frighten someone to such an extent that they behave irrationally: He scared me out of my wits, sneaking up behind me in the dark, like that.

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caked head

2012年10月12日 | 英語学習
"Whoever left this spot must have struck it rich," Terry said as he and Manjiro waded into the icy-cold water.
"Gave up, brokenhearted, more like," said a grizzled man downstream, caked head to toe in dried mud.
一攫千金とはかけ離れた現実が待っていたようです。さて、"caked head" が気になるので辞書で "cake" の意味を確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: encrust: caked with dust: shoes caked with dried mud
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to cover something or someone thickly with a substance that then dries out: The men were caked in layers of filth and grime.: boots caked with mud
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