

I need to learn about English more and more

2016-04-13 05:44:51 | cincinnati




Company profile....
As you know,the company was established in 1985.
Our main activity is to (生産・販売)
Our major markets are (地域・業界・)
Currently, we(topics)

Link to position statement
OK. Let me now turn to....
All right. I should now move on to...

Inviting interruptions
Let's deal with any questions immediately.
Just interrupt if anything is unclear.
We'll take question at the end, if that's OK with you.

Stating your position
Basically, we are interested in...
In the long term, we would like to increase....
We believe it is time for us to develop.... develop means change the mind
We are looking for.....
It is essential for us to,...
...is extremely important for us.
I should stress that...
...is a lower priority.
...is less important at the moment.

Invite a response
Are there any questions at this point?
Do you have any comments to make on that.
Would you like to clarify anything?

Phrase verbs
To work something out(=to calculate)
To give in(=to concede)
To rush into(=to move forward too quickly)
To go along(=to proceed)
To build up(to exband and develop)
To break down(to fail)
To carry on(=to continue)
To iron out(=to remove)
To come down(=to reduce a bargaining position)
To pin someone down(=to get their precise through about)

6.Clarifying position
Asking for clarification
I didn't understand. What exactly do you mean by....?
Could you clarify one point for me?
When you say ... are you saing that ....?
Could you say a little bit more about ...?

When I said ...I meant ....
Perhaps I should clarify that.
Of course
Not exactly. What I was saying was.....

Defining priorities
Is ...your main consideration


I need to learn about English more and more

2016-04-13 05:01:39 | cincinnati




Company profile....
As you know,the company was established in 1985.
Our main activity is to (生産・販売)
Our major markets are (地域・業界・)
Currently, we(topics)

Link to position statement
OK. Let me now turn to....
All right. I should now move on to...

Inviting interruptions
Let's deal with any questions immediately.
Just interrupt if anything is unclear.
We'll take question at the end, if that's OK with you.

Stating your position
Basically, we are interested in...
In the long term, we would like to increase....
We believe it is time for us to develop.... develop means change the mind
We are looking for.....
It is essential for us to,...
...is extremely important for us.
I should stress that...
...is a lower priority.
...is less important at the moment.

Invite a response
Are there any questions at this point?
Do you have any comments to make on that.
Would you like to clarify anything?
