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'Hold that Pose!' Photography and kabuki in Kitano Takeshi's Kikujiro
Abstract: This article examines Kitano Takeshi’s film Kikujiro (Kikujiro no Natsu, 1999) from two directions: first, as an as an experiment in moving versus still photography, and second, as an exploration of time, memory and Japanese identity. I argue that it is in Kitano’s cinematic use of elements from the kabuki drama that the two aspects come together. Kitano plays upon the conventions of both kabuki and film media to highlight the significance of the ‘still shot’ as it functions in human memory. By presenting moments of the story in the format of a child’s photograph album, Kitano is...
“Women Writing Women: ‘A Woman’s Place’ in Modern Japanese Women’s Poetry: A.R. Davis Memorial Lecture 2015”,
With the development of the free-style shi-poetry (詩) in the early 20th Century, many Japanese poets, both male and female began to experiment with various poetic styles. Drawing on poetry from three distinct eras, pre-WWII, the War years and 21st Century, this paper explores the poetic vision and creative experimentalism of a number of Japanese women poets writing both tanka and free verse poets. Drawing on the results of an ongoing translation project Reflections – Women writing women in Japanese poetry (Carol Hayes - ANU, Rina Kikuchi – Shiga University & Noriko Tanaka – Tanka...
From 2D to “2.5D” − Affective technologies in the intermedial relationships of Japanese popular culture
Japan is a country with particularly unique popular culture scene, and thus it has inspired scholars for years in countless different fields and forms of media. Most of the high profile research has focused on the ‘golden pair’ of Japanese popular culture; anime and manga. These days it is also well known that the pair often gets a third wheel when live action adaptation is added to the picture, either in form of a film or television dramatization, sometimes both. However, there is yet another addition to this mix of intermediality . An element that, to my knowledge, seems to be unique to...
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