美味しい分厚いハムカツを簡単に。 食パンに挟んでハムカツパンにしても美味しいです。 割った時に中からとろけだしてくるチーズがたまりません。
Cheese ham cutlet
Delicious chunky ham cutlets made easy. It is also delicious when sandwiched between bread and made into ham cutlet bread. The cheese that melts from the inside when you break it is irresistible.
①Sandwich about three layers of sliced cheese between the roasted ham and cut the cheese that protrudes from the ham.
②Sprinkle ① with flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs in that order, and fry in oil at 170°C until golden brown.
③Serve on a plate and garnish with chitomato, broccoli, and boiled egg.