③火が通ったら 塩適量・こしょう適量・粒マスタード小さじ2を加え、全体に味がなじんだら、器に盛り付けてブロコリーを添え海苔を振りかけ完成。
German potatoes
It's a recipe that is made in Germany. The aroma is enhanced by crispy grilling of sausages and bacon, etc., and goes well with the flavor of mustard
2 people ago
①Cut the three potatoes into 2cm squares and heat the carrots in the microwave to soften them.
②In a frying pan heated over medium heat, mince 1 small spoonful of olive oil, chop 1 clove of garlic, and when the aroma rises, add ①・ 60 g of bacon and stir-fry.
③When cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of pepper, and 2 teaspoons of grain mustard, and when the taste blends in with the whole, Serve in a bowl and sprinkle with brocolly and nori to