

おばさんの料理教室  八宝菜(4~5人分)

2023年05月23日 | 日記



八宝菜(パーパオツァイ)とは中国料理のひとつである。もとは浙江江蘇安徽の料理。五目うま煮とも。八宝菜の「八」は「8種類」という意味ではなく単なる「多くの」の意味。 八宝菜をご飯の上にかけた日本発祥の料理は中華丼と呼ばれる。






Eight Treasures (4~5 servings)

Just stir-fry the delicious Hakpo vegetable ingredients and add the seasonings.

Papao Tsai is a Chinese dish. Originally a dish from Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui. Also with Gome umani. The "eight" in 八宝菜 does not mean "8 types", but simply "many". The dish that originated Japan the Eight Treasures sprinkled over rice is called a Chinese rice bowl.


200g thinly sliced pork 1/4 Chinese cabbage 1 small carrot 1 small boiled bamboo shoot shiitake mushrooms, eringi, etc. 1 pack of kamaboko quail ginger (julienne) 1 seasoning is about 350ml of water, 2 teaspoons of chicken stock stock, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce (double soy sauce if you don't have one), 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, a little pepper, 1.5~2 tablespoons potato starch, sesame oil

②Cut the carrot strips, shiitake mushrooms, pork, cabbage, and trefoil into appropriate sizes.

③Heat 2 large spoons of salad oil in a wok and fry 1 piece of ginger fragrantly.

④Add the pork, stir-fry until the color changes ①, add the bean sprouts, mix and season with Chinese seasonings, salt and pepper, and mix over high heat while adding water-dissolved potato starch appropriately.

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