大友良英さんが、昨年8月に行われた「フェスティバルFUKUSHIMA!」を今年も開催するという。開催期間は8月15日(水)から26日(日)の12日間。今回は福島県内各地のみならず、県外、国内、国外を問わず、様々な場所で、同時多発開催を模索しているという。大きくても小さくてもどんなものでもかまわず、誰でも自分が考える「フェスティバルFUKUSHIMA!」を開催することができる。昨年のテーマは「未来はわたしたちの手で」。今年のタイトルは「Flags Across Borders」(旗は境界を越えて)。あらたに、様々な意見の違い、分断や忘却を乗り越えて、どう自分たちの未来を築いていくか穂考えてゆくという。イベントの同時開催を希望される方は、公式HPのエントリーフォームから連絡することになる。5月末までに連絡すれば、7月リリースの公式パンフレットに情報が掲載できる。
Message from Yoshihide Otomo
2012-05-17 Call for the Festival FUKUSHIMA! Synchronized Worldwide Events
Flags Across Borders
Call for the Festival FUKUSHIMA!
Synchronized Worldwide Events
by Otomo Yoshihide
Think about our future with
ìFUKUSHIMA!î as a keyword - why donít you hold such a festival with your own hands?
We will host ìFestival FUKUSHIMA!î which was held last
August, this year again, during a 12-day-period from
August 15 (Wed) to 26 (Sun). During this period, we will hold a variety of large and small festivals around
Fukushima Prefecture, and at the same time, we are
hoping to have synchronized festivals that you will
create with your own originality in various places
regardless of prefectural or national borders.
The planned event period is from August 15 to 26 but
you can also hold an event before or after this period.
Although it is called a festival, it is not necessary to be a big event. Any event, large or small, is OK. For example, having a small party with some friends, holding a small
concert by like-minded people, having an event at a club,
having a study workshop or discussions with friends
focusing on radiation which is sometimes difficult to talk
in our daily life, renting a small gallery to have an
exhibition, parading in the street playing music with
some people, holding a rock festival, streaming your
original program over the Internet, etc. Your event can
be hold at any time during the period of August 15 to
26. Why not hold a ìFestival FUKUSHIMA!î event of your
own idea?
Succeeding the last yearís theme of ìThe Future Is In Our
Handsî, a new theme which will be added this year is
how to build our future by overcoming various
differences in opinions, divisions and oblivion.
We will carefully clean and decontaminate the approx.
6000㎡- ìFukushima Gigantic Furoshiki
(wrapping cloth)î which was laid at the ìVillage of
Four Seasonsî, a main venue of last yearís festival, and
then cut it to make thousands of flags. You can also
make your own flags. Any flag is OK. Same flags
cannot be made naturally. The finished flags are all
different. These flags will be hoisted in Fukushima,
then, spread around festival venues all over the world
where various events will be held with ìFUKUSHIMA!î
as a keyword. This is our image of the Festival.
The title is ìFlags Across Bordersî. We hope that
handmade flags which are different in sizes, designs
and colors will be bridges to connect with many people
in diversified positions loosely.
If you want to join the Synchronized Events, please fill
out the entreey form on our official website and contact
us. If you let us know the details of a festival by the end
of May, they will be included in the official brochure to
be released in July. After that, we will keep updating
festival information to be held in various places on the
Entry for the Festival FUKUSHIMA! Synchronized
Worldwide Events
Message from Yoshihide Otomo
2012-05-17 Call for the Festival FUKUSHIMA! Synchronized Worldwide Events
Flags Across Borders
Call for the Festival FUKUSHIMA!
Synchronized Worldwide Events
by Otomo Yoshihide
Think about our future with
ìFUKUSHIMA!î as a keyword - why donít you hold such a festival with your own hands?
We will host ìFestival FUKUSHIMA!î which was held last
August, this year again, during a 12-day-period from
August 15 (Wed) to 26 (Sun). During this period, we will hold a variety of large and small festivals around
Fukushima Prefecture, and at the same time, we are
hoping to have synchronized festivals that you will
create with your own originality in various places
regardless of prefectural or national borders.
The planned event period is from August 15 to 26 but
you can also hold an event before or after this period.
Although it is called a festival, it is not necessary to be a big event. Any event, large or small, is OK. For example, having a small party with some friends, holding a small
concert by like-minded people, having an event at a club,
having a study workshop or discussions with friends
focusing on radiation which is sometimes difficult to talk
in our daily life, renting a small gallery to have an
exhibition, parading in the street playing music with
some people, holding a rock festival, streaming your
original program over the Internet, etc. Your event can
be hold at any time during the period of August 15 to
26. Why not hold a ìFestival FUKUSHIMA!î event of your
own idea?
Succeeding the last yearís theme of ìThe Future Is In Our
Handsî, a new theme which will be added this year is
how to build our future by overcoming various
differences in opinions, divisions and oblivion.
We will carefully clean and decontaminate the approx.
6000㎡- ìFukushima Gigantic Furoshiki
(wrapping cloth)î which was laid at the ìVillage of
Four Seasonsî, a main venue of last yearís festival, and
then cut it to make thousands of flags. You can also
make your own flags. Any flag is OK. Same flags
cannot be made naturally. The finished flags are all
different. These flags will be hoisted in Fukushima,
then, spread around festival venues all over the world
where various events will be held with ìFUKUSHIMA!î
as a keyword. This is our image of the Festival.
The title is ìFlags Across Bordersî. We hope that
handmade flags which are different in sizes, designs
and colors will be bridges to connect with many people
in diversified positions loosely.
If you want to join the Synchronized Events, please fill
out the entreey form on our official website and contact
us. If you let us know the details of a festival by the end
of May, they will be included in the official brochure to
be released in July. After that, we will keep updating
festival information to be held in various places on the
Entry for the Festival FUKUSHIMA! Synchronized
Worldwide Events