


2024-02-13 23:37:38 | Newsメモ

BBC Is China's economy a 'ticking time bomb'? 31 Aug 2023 By Nick Marsh

The past six months has brought a stream of bad news for China's economy: slow growth, record youth unemployment, low foreign investment, weak exports and currency, and a property sector in crisis.

US President Joe Biden described the world's second-largest economy as "a ticking time bomb", predicting growing discontent in the country.

China's leader Xi Jinping hit back, defending the "strong resilience, tremendous potential and great vitality" of the economy.

In July, figures showed a record 21.3% of jobseekers between the ages of 16 and 25 were out of work. The following month, officials announced they would stop publishing the figures.




BBC Somali militants hail Afghanistan's Taliban takeover 16 Aug 2021


BBC Eight babies catch Covid in Mauritius rescue centre 16 Sep 2021 By Yasine Mohabuth


BBC Eritrean detainees not seen for 20 years 21 Sep 2021 By Teklemariam Bekit

Rights group Amnesty International is waging a campaign to demand that the Eritrean government release 21 political prisoners who were arrested in a sweeping crackdown 20 years ago.

In September 2001, the government shutdown the country’s independent media and arrested 11 politicians who publicly criticized President Isaias Afewerki, and 10 journalists who published their call for reforms.

Eritrea has not held elections since independence in 1993, and President Isaias has been in power for nearly 28 years.


BBC Nigeria doctors suspend crippling two-month strike 4 Oct 2021 By Chris Ewokor
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