


2021-02-05 22:18:00 | ビルマ/ミャンマー

BBC Myanmar coup: China blocks UN condemnation as protest grows 3 Feb 2021


China has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the military coup in Myanmar.

The military took power in the South East Asian nation on Monday after arresting political leader Aung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of other lawmakers.


China has been warning since the coup that sanctions or international pressure would only make things worse in Myanmar.


Alongside Russia, it has repeatedly protected Myanmar from criticism at the UN over the military crackdown on the Muslim minority Rohingya population.


While China does benefit strategically from Myanmar's alienation from the west, this does not mean that Beijing is happy with the coup, he cautions.

"They had a pretty good arrangement with the NLD and invested a lot to build a relationship with Aung San Suu Kyi. The return of the military actually means that China now has to deal with the institution in Myanmar that historically is the most suspicious of China's intentions."



In Myanmar's biggest city Yangon though, signs of resistance and civil disobedience have been growing.

Doctors and medical staff in dozens of hospitals across the country are stopping work in protest against the coup and to push for Ms Suu Kyi's release.

Staff at 70 hospitals and medical departments across the country have reportedly stepped away from all non-emergency work.

 尤も、そうした国家最上級レベルのアレコレとは別に、市民的にはクーデターは好ましくない。10年近く、一応民主国家をしてきたのである。それなりに根付いた市民意識は、こんなふうに堅実に不同意を表現している―cooking potsを鳴らすのって、そんなに一般的じゃないよなあ。覆鉢の文脈にあるのかな、これは、もしかして。
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