


2024-10-05 22:17:13 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
At least 50 people were killed by Myanmar soldiers in a raid on a village in Rakhine State last week, say local residents and opposition forces.


BBC Myanmar soldiers cut off tattoos and gave detainees urine to drink, witnesses tell BBC 6 June 2024

Jonathan Head & Burmese Service


Eyewitnesses told the BBC the village was subjected to two-and-half days of terror as soldiers blindfolded and beat them up, poured burning petrol on their skin and forced some of them to drink their urine.


Fifty-one people aged between 15 and 70 were "violently tortured and killed", the National Unity Government (NUG), representing the ousted civilian government, said in a statement. The AA estimated the death toll to be more than 70 people.


"I saw with my own eyes my husband being taken away in a military vehicle. My son was separated from both of us, and I don't know where he is. Now I don't know if my son and husband are alive or dead," the woman told the BBC.


On Friday those left standing in the marketplace, mostly women, children and the elderly, were ordered to gather a few things and leave. They said the soldiers had already looted anything valuable, like gold, jewellery or solar panels from their homes. Most of the village’s residents are now sheltering in Buddhist monasteries in Sittwe.



The NUG has promised to bring those responsible for war crimes in Byai Phyu to justice. The AA also accused what it calls "the fascist military council" of "vicious cruelty", and of gang-raping some of the women in Byai Phyu.

 …対象村落を焼き落とすこともしているらしく、あのなあそれはBoko Haramだってそうそうするもんじゃないんだぞ、という。

The BBC understands that the army still controls Byai Phyu, and no-one is being allowed back. There are reports that much of the village has been burned down.

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