


2024-01-23 21:52:13 | Newsメモ

BBC Iran admits carrying out deadly strike on Pakistan territory 18 Jan 2024 By Paul Adams and Caroline Davies

Iran has admitted carrying out a missile and drone attack on western Pakistan on Tuesday.

Officials in Islamabad said two children were killed and three others injured in the attack in Balochistan.

Iran's foreign minister said the operation targeted the militant group Jaish al-Adli, which he described as an "Iranian terrorist group" in Pakistan.

As a result the Pakistan's government recalled its ambassador to Iran and has blocked Tehran's envoy from returning.


BBC Google to train 20,000 Nigerians in digital skills 16 Aug 2023 By Google to train 20,000 Nigerians in digital skills

Google has announced plans to train 20,000 Nigerian women and young people in digital skills to support government targets of creating one million tech jobs.

The US firm said it would also donate $1.6m (£1.26m).

No firm timeline was set out for the plans.


BBC Hawaii fires: Maps and images reveal Maui devastation 11 Aug 2023 By The Visual Journalism Team

Dozens of people have died and thousands have been told to evacuate their homes after fast-spreading wildfires caused devastation on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

The worst hit area has been Lahaina, the beach-front town popular with tourists, where entire neighbourhoods and hotels have been destroyed.

The flames were fanned by Hurricane Dora, which passed by the south of Hawaii - gusts of wind up to 65mph (100km/h) hit the islands earlier this week.

However, the winds are now easing as Hurricane Dora continues to move away to the west.


BBC Nalanda: The university that changed the world By Sugato Mukherjee
24th February 2023


 ともだちいっぱい! したわれまっくす! みたいな子でもいっちまうことがあるので、もうどう注意できたものやら。



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