

大使館の閉鎖は「regular affairs」ですって

2023-11-03 20:44:31 | Newsメモ
 大事な友好国ではあるが、大使館を閉鎖するのは「regular affairs」であって、共和国の敵がdire economic situationの表れだというのは看過しがたいな!という朝鮮民主主義人民共和国、いわゆる北朝鮮の外務省がコメントを出したそうな。

BBC Africa embassy closures not unusual - North Korea 3 Nov 2023

North Korea has insisted that recent embassy closures are simply part of "regular affairs" to improve its external relations, after Seoul said it was a sign of Pyongyang's "dire economic situation".

In the past week, North Korea shut embassies in Angola and Uganda. It also closed its diplomatic missions in Hong Kong and Spain.


 しかしこれらはregular affairsの一部に過ぎず、国際環境の変化に応じた対応に過ぎず、共和国としては大使館などを開き・閉じするものである―というそうな。新しく開く大使館がどこかは言及されないそうですが。

However, a spokesperson of Pyongyang's foreign ministry said the changes were "part of the regular affairs... to promote their national interests in external relations", in comments posted on the ministry's website on Friday.

"In line with the changes in the international environment and the state external policy, we are either closing or newly opening diplomatic missions in other countries," said the official, without specifying which embassies were being opened or closed down.
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