


2017-05-10 23:28:23 | Newsメモ
BBC Yemen war: Surge in cholera outbreak kills 34 - WHO 9 May 2017

 イェメンでコレラが大流行。この二週間で34名が死亡確認だとか。国境なき医師団のコメントはいつものように「"We are very concerned that the disease will continue to spread and become out of control," warned the charity's head of mission in Yemen, Shinjiro Murata」日本人さんも頑張ってますね。

BBC Iran coal mine explosion death toll rises to 42 9 May 2017


His conservative rivals for the presidency have accused him of failing to revive Iran's economy following the country's landmark nuclear deal with world powers


BBC Syria war: US to arm Kurds in battle for Raqqa 9 May 2017

 IS・ラッカと戦うため、米国はクルド兵に武器を供与する。「A Pentagon source told the BBC the equipment would include ammunition, small arms, machine guns, heavy machine guns, construction equipment such as bulldozers and armoured vehicles」とあり、地上戦をするには必須の、というか、基礎的な、というか、な装備群。

 米国側報道官曰く、「The US was "keenly aware" of Turkey's concerns about such a move, she added」。そういうこともあってか、「The source added that the US would "seek to recover" the equipment afterwards」。

BBC '7,000 bodies buried' beneath Mississippi university 8 May 2017


BBC US anti-missile system operational in South Korea 2 May 2017

 例のThaadが配備され、作戦可能状態になったという。もっとも、full operational capabilityは数ヶ月あと、とあり、この「さしあたり動かせるようにしました」ということの価値が奈辺にあるのか、素人にはなかなか推察しえぬところ。

"The reckless military provocation is pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war," the North's official KCNA news agency said


BBC Donald Trump: I would be honoured to meet Kim Jong-un 1 May 2017

 ともあれ、「He said he had "no idea" whether Mr Kim was sane」というのは、たしなみある大人としてはあるべき発言だなあとは。いやまあ表向きの言葉ではあれ、こういっておくべき場面ではそういっておくということで。いやまあノリで云ってそうな文脈でもあるけど。

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