


2024-03-20 22:11:06 | Newsメモ
 だから学校はすべて臨時休業とする―という記事。まあ2日前の記事で、速報性は全くないわけだが―気候変動の実例の一つとしてはenvironmental issuesということでメモするに値しよう。多少は。

BBC South Sudan heatwave: Extreme weather shuts schools and cuts power 2 days ago
By Nichola Mandil, Wedaeli Chibelushi & Matt Taylor


All schools have been ordered to close in South Sudan, as it prepares for a heatwave in which temperatures could reach an exceptional 45C (113F).

Authorities said children should stay indoors and that the extreme weather could last for at least two weeks.

Deaths "related to excessive heat" have already been reported, officials said on Saturday.

Residents in parts of the capital Juba sweltered without electric fans on Monday as the heat sparked power cuts.

The streets of Juba, home to more than 400,000 people, were largely quiet in the afternoon as local media reported temperatures of 41C (106F).


It is exceptionally early for South Sudan to experience such heat - temperatures often exceed 43C (109F) but only in the summer months, according to the World Bank's Climate Change portal.
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