


2024-01-23 21:24:27 | Newsメモ

BBC Eritrean migrants talk of harsh detention in Ethiopia 23 Jan 2024 By Teklemariam Bekit

 子供13名を含む100名以上が収容されていたのは、アカシアの枝でフェンスを作った露天臨時仮収容所。ほんとmakeshftそのものだったようで、雨や日の光を避ける屋根もない。テントくらいあったと信じたい。そこそこ怪しい。thorny fenceって言われて、barbed wireのことかと思ったらアカシアの枝だなんて出てきて…


Some Eritrean migrants have told BBC Tigrinya that they are among more than 100 people, including 13 children, who have been held in detention for the past two months in the Ethiopian town of Yebelo, near the order with Kenya.

They said there are living in a makeshift prison surrounded by a thorny fence made of acacia branches, offering no protection from the rain and sun.

The group was traveling to seek asylum in Kenya, they said.



Initially, we used to buy water through the police and wash ourselves. However, when we ran out of money, many of us fell ill due to the lack of food and clean water," they said.

Despite being taken to a clinic by the police, the treatment is at their own expense.

"Those without money suffer from hunger and disease."

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