BBC North Korea tests submarine-capable missile fired from sea 3 Oct 2019
「But being launched from a submarine can make missiles harder to detect, and allows them to get closer to other targets.」
まあつまりは実際上、まずは日本用、ってところですか。ロメオ級について「This would make a one-way trip to near Hawaii possible. 」とはあるものの、本気で片道切符はまあ、ふつう、無茶。「The north's submarines are, however, diesel-powered and easier to detect.」
「Unlike previous tests, there were no pictures of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the launch.」
BBC US denies North Korean nuclear talks failed 5 Oct 2019
「The US has denied that its day of nuclear talks with North Korea ended in failure, insisting that "good discussions" were had.」
「Earlier, North Korea said the meeting had broken down, because the US brought "nothing to the negotiation table".」
東京スポーツ 北の弾道ミサイル発射で韓国折れそう 破棄通告のGSOMIAやはり必要? 2019年10月03日 16時00分
「But being launched from a submarine can make missiles harder to detect, and allows them to get closer to other targets.」
まあつまりは実際上、まずは日本用、ってところですか。ロメオ級について「This would make a one-way trip to near Hawaii possible. 」とはあるものの、本気で片道切符はまあ、ふつう、無茶。「The north's submarines are, however, diesel-powered and easier to detect.」
「Unlike previous tests, there were no pictures of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the launch.」
BBC US denies North Korean nuclear talks failed 5 Oct 2019
「The US has denied that its day of nuclear talks with North Korea ended in failure, insisting that "good discussions" were had.」
「Earlier, North Korea said the meeting had broken down, because the US brought "nothing to the negotiation table".」
北の弾道ミサイル発射で韓国折れそう 破棄通告のGSOMIAやはり必要? 「米国が韓国にGSOMIAの破棄撤回を求めているので今後、文在寅大統領から見直したいという意思表明が出るのではないか」 そんなすんなり行くだろうか…
— JSF (@rockfish31) 2019年10月3日
東京スポーツ 北の弾道ミサイル発射で韓国折れそう 破棄通告のGSOMIAやはり必要? 2019年10月03日 16時00分