


2019-03-16 18:17:49 | ソマリア関連

BBC Scandal over Kenya's border fence that cost $35m for just 10km 14 Mar 2019

 …日本でも,作るだけなら10分の一でできるのじゃないだろうか:「Altogether it cost 3.4 billion Kenyan shillings - that is, $35 million, or £26 million. At 10km long, that works out to around $3 million per kilometre.

The government had originally promised to build a complex wall to run about 700km (435 miles) along the border.

But the "wall", which was meant to stop al-Shabab militants from crossing into Kenya, has ended up being a wire fence that is only 10km long.

 al Shababの侵入をふせぐため,あるいは拘束するため,複合的な,なんか素敵なモノを作るはずだったのが―とりあえず完成したのはただの金網フェンスが10kmだけ。あんた,なんぼなんでも,これは…と調査が入ることになった。

When the plan was first announced in 2014, the government said it would build a 708km wall made up of a series of concrete barriers, fences, ditches, and observation posts overlooked by CCTV stations.


Under this plan, the wall was meant to stretch from the Indian Ocean all the way to the border region of Mandera, where Kenya and Somalia meet Ethiopia.


John Mbadi, Minority Leader in Kenya's National Assembly, said that a physical wall was a waste of funds, adding: "Kenya should not be funding the construction of such a wall but investing in intelligence-gathering technology to limit attacks caused by al-Shabab."

The fence has been built under the supervision of Kenya's military, and their accounts are classified.

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