


2021-12-03 22:38:29 | Newsメモ

BBC Northern Kenya affected by worst drought in a decade 3 Dec 2021 By Anne Soy

Millions of livestock have died in northern Kenya as the worst drought in a decade threatens survival in the region.

Rangers are also reporting alarming numbers of deaths among wildlife.


Local officials say up to 70% of cattle and 60% of goats have died of starvation, thirst or diseases due to lowered immunity levels. That’s millions of livestock, the livelihood of pastoralists, wiped out within months.



BBC Four charged with burning elderly man to death in Mozambique 3 Dec 2021 By Jose Tembe

Four people have been charged with lynching and burning to death an elderly man in Mozambique who was accused of being a sorcerer.

The 73-year-old man was killed in Zavala in southern Inhambane province.

The incident happened after a traditional doctor accused the man of being behind the killings of two young men.

It was reported that the public beat up the elderly man after the traditional doctor linked him to sorcery.


BBC 'Strange' vessel seized in Mozambique 2 Dec 2021 By Jose Tembe

Mozambique's authorities have seized what has been described as a "strange" foreign-flagged fishing vessel in the northern coastal district of Pemba, where a multi-billion dollar natural gas extraction platform is to be set up.

Investigations were taking place into whether the crew were fishermen or whether they had other motives. The vessel was flying the flag of Seychelles.

Militant Islamists have carried out a series of attacks in northern Mozambique - including an attack in the town of Palma in March. Thousands of residents then fled by boat to Pemba.

 この近辺はIslamist militancyの活動が激しいそうで、そっちの人かなあと疑っているものだろう。先日襲われた村々の人々が海上に逃れたものなら、難民だとかと書くでしょうしね。

BBC Thailand: Newspaper rebuked over 'hunts Africans' headline 3 Dec 2021


BBC Burkina Faso unveils major anti-jihadist operation 1 Dec 2021

Burkina Faso has given details of a major regional security operation launched with Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo last week.

The aim was to stem the jihadist insurgencies ravaging parts of West Africa.

Burkinabe Defence Minister Maxime Kone said almost 6,000 troops had been deployed in the four countries' borderlands, arresting 300 people and seizing vehicles, weapons, ammunition and drugs.

He said dozens of Islamist militants were killed and that five jihadist bases had been destroyed in his country.

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