ケニアじゃnatioal examinationsの前には生徒が学校に集まり、無事の試験進行を祈願する習慣があるのだとか。しかし無神論者からすれば、なんでそんなものに出席せにゃあならんのか―というのは、うんまあ尤も。
BBC Kenya atheists seek ban on school prayer days 2 Mar 2022
「The association of atheists in Kenya has written to the education ministry seeking a ban on prayer days in public schools ahead of national examinations.
The group says the prayer days are in contravention to students' rights.
Public schools have a tradition of organising for prayer days before students sit for national examinations.」
「The group says children should be left to make their own unbiased decisions about religion.」
BBC Kenya atheists seek ban on school prayer days 2 Mar 2022
「The association of atheists in Kenya has written to the education ministry seeking a ban on prayer days in public schools ahead of national examinations.
The group says the prayer days are in contravention to students' rights.
Public schools have a tradition of organising for prayer days before students sit for national examinations.」
「The group says children should be left to make their own unbiased decisions about religion.」