


2019-10-16 22:16:26 | ナイジェリア事情
BBC 'Tortured' and shackled pupils freed from Nigerian Islamic school 15 October 2019


Police in northern Nigeria have freed 67 people who had been found shackled at an Islamic boarding school, officials say.

The pupils, between the ages of seven and 40, told police they had been tortured and abused.


Last month, more than 300 male students were freed from a similar boarding school in neighbouring Kaduna state.

先日の例 Torture House摘発 2019-09-27

"Beating, abusing and punishment, this is what they always did to us here. They make a cover story and say they were teaching us. They are not teaching us for the sake of God," student Lawal Ahmed told the Reuters news agency.

The school operated for decades as a place for Koranic instruction and worked with some pupils who were deemed to have behavioural problems.


BBC Nigerian 'torture house': Kaduna school was 'like hellfire' 29 September 2019

A survivor of the Nigerian "torture house" raided by police has described being there as "living in hellfire".

"If you are praying they will beat you. If you are studying they will beat you," Isa Ibrahim, 29, told the BBC.


Nearly 500 men and boys were rescued from the building in Kaduna, which was being used as an Islamic school and correctional facility.

The police said it was a place of human slavery, with many detainees found in chains.

A sign on the front of the building describes it as the Ahmad bin Hambal Centre for Islamic teachings but it was also used by some as a place to reform young men with behavioural problems.

The Kaduna state government says it will now carry out checks on all Koranic schools across the state.

"This is an eye-opener for us," said Hafsat Baba, Kaduna State Commissioner of Human Services and Social Development. She added that if this scale of abuse was happening in the main city, she didn't know what might be going on in rural areas.

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