


2024-08-07 22:06:09 | ナイジェリア事情

Nigeria has seen six days of nationwide protests, in which at least seven people have died and more than 700 have been arrested.

 デモをする間、ロシア国旗を振りかざしていたから―というもの。treasonable offenceというから、まあ国家反逆に近い罪ということになろう。

BBC Nigerian protesters arrested for waving Russian flag 1 day ago

Chris Ewokor in Abuja & Wycliffe Muia in Nairobi

About 40 people have been arrested in northern Nigeria for waving Russia's national flag during protests against the high cost of living and what they feel is "bad governance".

Amid this crackdown, army chief Christopher Musa warned that it is a "treasonable offence" to fly the flags of foreign countries.

 生活が苦しいぞ! 物価高騰、どうにかしろ! というデモのはずなのに、なんでかロシア国旗を振ってプーチン支持を呼号する連中がいたら。…まあ、少なくとも奇異ではあろうし、文脈を理解しない振る舞いと評するべきだろうし、なんでまたプーチンだそれは。

Demonstrators have been chanting slogans such as "we are hungry", while a minority have been pictured waving Russia's flag and voicing support for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

 ロシアよ、我々を救ってくれ!と叫んだそうで、うんまあそれは外患誘致したいんですか?という話には、まあ、なる。しかも問題なのはこの近辺の諸国では軍事クーデターをやってワグネルとよろしくやってるのであり、その文脈をひろえば―「どんとこいクーデター! というかワグネル!」という話になりかねず…

According to local media, some of these protesters have called on Moscow to "rescue" them.


Several countries in the wider region of West Africa - including Nigeria's neighbour, Niger - have pivoted away from the West and towards Russia after recent military coups.

Civilian governments backed by the likes of France and the US had rapidly lost popularity - critics accused them of failing to tackle insecurity, corruption and economic problems.

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