ソマリア暫定政府側のスパイ・エージェンシーが、al Shababが大統領と首相との暗殺計画を練っていると警告。
BBC Spy agency warns al-Shabab targeting Somali leaders 1 Apr 2022 By Abdi Dahir
「Somalia’s spy agency has warned about an alleged plot by al-Qaeda-allied al-Shabab militants to attack the president and the prime minister.」
「The National Intelligence and Security Agency (Nisa) said in a tweet that it had briefed the nation’s leaders on the "plot being hatched by the al-Shabab mafia".」
「The group recently attacked a heavily-fortified airport complex which houses UN offices, foreign embassies and various diplomatic missions in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
It also carried out two suicide bombings in the central Beledweyne town, killing at least 48 people, including a female member of the federal parliament.」
BBC Al-Shabab denies plan to attack Somali leaders 6 Apr 2022
一方のal Shababとしては、「笑うべきである」とコメント。ソマリア政府側はあんなに混乱しておいて、我々の計画を察知したり覆せるとでも思っているのか? 計画の中心になってる人物? いないよそんなんwwwwwwwww と草を生え散らかす様子。
「The al-Qaeda-allied al-Shabab militant group has dismissed reports that it was planning an attack against the Somali president and prime minister.」
「Pro-al-Shabab Somali Memo website quoted an unnamed senior al-Shabab commander who termed the claim by the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (Nisa) “laughable”.」
BBC Spy agency warns al-Shabab targeting Somali leaders 1 Apr 2022 By Abdi Dahir
「Somalia’s spy agency has warned about an alleged plot by al-Qaeda-allied al-Shabab militants to attack the president and the prime minister.」
「The National Intelligence and Security Agency (Nisa) said in a tweet that it had briefed the nation’s leaders on the "plot being hatched by the al-Shabab mafia".」
「The group recently attacked a heavily-fortified airport complex which houses UN offices, foreign embassies and various diplomatic missions in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
It also carried out two suicide bombings in the central Beledweyne town, killing at least 48 people, including a female member of the federal parliament.」
BBC Al-Shabab denies plan to attack Somali leaders 6 Apr 2022
一方のal Shababとしては、「笑うべきである」とコメント。ソマリア政府側はあんなに混乱しておいて、我々の計画を察知したり覆せるとでも思っているのか? 計画の中心になってる人物? いないよそんなんwwwwwwwww と草を生え散らかす様子。
「The al-Qaeda-allied al-Shabab militant group has dismissed reports that it was planning an attack against the Somali president and prime minister.」
「Pro-al-Shabab Somali Memo website quoted an unnamed senior al-Shabab commander who termed the claim by the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (Nisa) “laughable”.」