


2022-06-05 23:24:54 | Newsメモ
BBC Biden vows to defend Taiwan in apparent US policy shift 23 May 2022 By Tessa Wong

US President Joe Biden has warned China is "flirting with danger" over Taiwan, and vowed to intervene militarily to protect the island if it is attacked.

Speaking in Japan, he appeared to contradict long-standing US policy in the region, although the White House insisted there had been no departure.

Mr Biden drew a parallel between Taiwan and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, prompting an angry rebuke from Beijing.

He is on his first tour of Asia as US president, visiting regional allies.

BBC Biden says US will defend Taiwan if China attacks 22 October 2021

President Joe Biden said the US would defend Taiwan if China attacked, in an apparent departure from a long-held US foreign policy position.

BBC Record number of China planes enter Taiwan air defence zone 5 October 2021

Taiwan has urged Beijing to stop "irresponsible provocative actions" after a record number of Chinese warplanes entered its air defence zone.

Monday's incursion marks the fourth straight day of incursions by Chinese aircraft, with almost 150 aircraft sent into Taiwan's defence zone in total.

Some analysts say the flights could be seen as a warning to Taiwan's president ahead of the island's national day.

Beijing views Taiwan as a breakaway province.

BBC Executions spiked in Iran in Saudi Arabia in 2021 - Amnesty 24 May 2022 By David Gritten

There was a worrying rise in executions in 2021 as Covid-19 restrictions were eased, Amnesty International says, with spikes seen in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

A report by the human rights group says at least 579 executions were known to have been carried out in 18 countries - a 20% increase on the previous year.

Iran accounted for the biggest portion of this rise. It put to death at least 314 people, compared with 246 in 2020.

The global total is the second-lowest figure, after 2020, that Amnesty has recorded since at least 2010.

However, as in previous years it does not include China. Although it is believed to execute thousands of people each year, the data on its use of the death penalty is a state secret.

BBC Madhya Pradesh: Viral video shows Indians risking life for water 3 Jun 2022

BBC India water crisis flagged up in global report By Navin Singh Khadka 6 August 2019

BBC Monsoon season: The river politics behind South Asia's floods By Navin Singh Khadka 16 July 2019

BBC Chicken rice: Why Singapore's much-loved dish is under threat 2 Jun 2022 By Annabelle Liang & Derek Cai
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