


2023-07-30 18:06:22 | Newsメモ

BBC The Texas town caught in the middle of America's border battle 30 Jul 2023 By Bernd Debusmann Jr


Texas officials credit the plan, known as Operation Lone Star, with stopping nearly 400,000 migrants from entering the US illegally, over 30,000 criminal arrests and intercepting hundreds of millions of potentially lethal doses of fentanyl.

"Until President Biden reverses his open border policies and does his job to secure the border, Texas will continue protecting Texans and Americans from the chaos along the border," the operation's leaders said in a joint statement on 18 July.



Others note that while Operation Lone Star has disrupted some lives in town, it has also brought with it a boon to some parts of the local economy.

It's the part nobody wants to say out loud," said one local businessman, who asked not to be named. "There's so much money involved in this".

Local hotels, for example, are filled with National Guardsman and out-of-town state troopers, and restaurants in town see a steady stream of uniformed personnel in Eagle Pass for Lone Star operations.

"Complicated, I'd say, is the best word to describe what's happening," said Elias Diaz, a member of the Eagle Pass city council. "This is a town that lacks a lot of infrastructure…a lot of people are living in poverty."


"We do see a lot of money being pumped into the operation. Some of it gets people jobs and keeps hotels full," Mr Diaz added. "But at the same time, it's done nothing other than to create chaos to try to curb immigration patterns."

On the ground in Eagle Pass, some said they fear their voices will be lost amid the wider debate between politicians far from the border.

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